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The Most Haunted Places in Key West, Florida

Key West is an amazing city that is rich in history and hauntings. That's right! Key West is an incredibly haunted city and we have some of the top haunted places there that you can check out for yourself! These buildings and streets are located all around the city and just by exploring them yourself; you can determine just what kind of energy or ghosts you feel when you are there. So sit back, relax, and grab your favorite blanket because these stories will have you on the edge of your seat or they will have you look behind you and locking your doors and windows... 

10. Key West Firehouse Museum

For fans of the fire department or firefighters in general, the Key West Firehouse Museum is a great place to visit in Key West. This museum offers a wide array of information to visitors who come here. The museum is actually in a former firehouse that operated from 1907 to 1998. It is actually one of the oldest firehouses in Florida. This firehouse has been through many hurricanes, but it has still stood strong through it all. You could say that this firehouse has seen it all, including ghostly spirits.Before the firehouse opened as a museum, there were rumors of the paranormal playing tricks on those who came to renovate the building. The staff began to talk about the spirits they saw and heard. At one point, there were two different paranormal teams that came into explore the building to make sure that these claims were true. One of the teams took hundreds of pictures and in every picture they could see orbs floating in many directions. This team was also able to get recordings of ghostly voices during their stay. There was one photograph that was truly spine tingling. The picture shows a young African-American girl dressed up in the fashion from the early 1900’s. This showed the paranormal teams that this building does have ghosts in it and she is one of them! The Key West Firehouse Museum is just one of the buildings that is haunted in this beautiful city. The city is actually filled with places that will get your hairs standing on end…

9. The Porter Mansion

This home is one of the most visited in Key West. It was built in 1839 and mixes many styles of architecture, such as New England, French, and Bahamian. Some say that Judge James Webb is the man who built the house. He was the first federal judge in Key West in 1828. When he moved to Texas in 1838, he ended up selling the house. The Porter family purchased the house and was home to Dr. Joseph Porter, who was the first public health officer in Florida. He died in the house after living here for 80 years! The story goes that he actually died in the bed that he was born in! The mansion gained its name from him and he is also known for making the discovery of yellow fever! If Porter is the only known person to die in the house, is it just him that is haunting it?For those who have visited the mansion, they have seen some bizarre acts in the rooms of the mansion. There are coins that have been stacked in odd positions on the dressers in the bedrooms. At night, guests can hear the sounds of chamber music playing in rooms where no one is. The bartenders that work here say that Dr. Porter still loves to visit the bar and his ghost often hangs out in his favorite spot. Sometimes, he will throw wine glasses and he always leaves dimes on the bar. Ghosts who still know how to tip their bartenders are a bit scary, but we have some other haunts in Key West that will scare your pants off!

8. The Key West Lighthouse

If you are ready for some stunning views, the Key West Lighthouse is one of the best places to go. It was built in 1825 and has 88 iron steps that visitors can climb to get to the very top. The scenic views from up here are amazing! The lighthouse was used to help sailors coming into Key West remain safe from the many hazards they had in the 19th century. To this day, this is one of the most highly visited spots in Key West. Could it be the beauty of the lighthouse or could it be the ghosts that love to haunt visitors?That’s right! Ghosts! The Key West Lighthouse is just another one of the most haunted buildings located in the city. When the lighthouse was still being used to guide sailors, a woman named Barbara Mabrity maintained it. She was in charge of the lighthouse for over 32 years and she took over this role when her husband died very unexpectedly. She helped to keep it going even through some rough and terrifying hurricanes. There was one hurricane in particular that devastated Key West. Many people ran to the lighthouse in order to protect themselves during the storm. Six of Mabrity’s children and fourteen people of Key West didn’t make it through this storm and the water carried off their bodies to sea. The lighthouse was in rough shape after the storm and some repairs were done to it. Mabrity wanted to continue to take care of the building so she did so until she died at the age of 82. She had a lot of attachment to the lighthouse and that could be the reason that she haunts the building still to this day. For those who have seen ghosts here, they mention a woman going up and down the stairs. They say she is walking around as if she is looking for someone she has lost. Perhaps she is looking for the lost children or her husband at the lighthouse. No matter what, visitors say she is friendly and they have never felt an ill will from the ghost. Friendly ghosts are very welcomed, especially in Key West, but there are some buildings here that have ghosts that aren’t so found of humans…

7. Captain Tony’s Saloon

Not only is Captain Tony’s Saloon known as one of the most haunted places in Key West, it is also called one of the most notorious places in Key West. This bar is famous for many reasons and one of those is because it was the famous watering hole of Ernest Hemingway and Jimmy Buffet. This bar has quite a checkered past to it and there are some very friendly and unfriendly ghosts who still love this watering hole. What is it about Captain Tony’s?This bar opened up in the mid-1800’s and before it was a bar, it was actually the city’s morgue. Just like most morgues, it had a history of horrifying happenings. It was hit by a hurricane in 1885 and was completely destroyed. Along with the building going into the sea, many bodies did as well! The scene was terrifying and looked like something out of a horror film! There were bodies floating and scattered in the water! This could be how some of the rumors of the bar being haunted began.There is a part of this story that has quite the creepy surprise to it as well. When there were renovations being done on the bar, over a dozen bodies were found in the floorboards! These bodies have been said to be the spirits that haunt the saloon to this day. The Lady in Blue is just one of the ghosts that visitors have seen. She is often seen walking up and down the hallways and sometimes hiding in the bathrooms of the bar. She is actually not the only ghost that likes to scare the patrons, but there are more haunted places that we want to share with you…

6. Audubon House and Gardens

If you come to Key West to visit the tropical locale, the Audubon House and Gardens are one of the most popular places to see. This is also one of the most haunted places in the city! John Huling Geiger built the home and his family lived there in the 1840’s. The family stayed in the home for over a century and then it was taken over as part of the restoration movement of Key West. This is a popular place to visit because of the antique furniture and artwork that is still in the home. Another reason that people flock to this home is because of the ghosts who are said to be here… The Audubon House’s website is the first to boast about the ghosts that live in the home. They do not shy away from the fact that there has been quite a bit of paranormal activity in the home. There are have been paranormal societies come into the home to take video footage and photographs. Both have shown a strong presence of the paranormal here. In one video, you can even see a ghost playing with one of the paranormal experts’ hair! Most of the ghosts are felt on the 3rd floor of the home. Much like the Audubon House, there are several other homes in Key West with haunts of their own.

5. Marrero’s Guest Mansion

Known for being one of the few adults’ only bed and breakfasts in Key West, Marrero’s Guest Mansion is a place for fun in the sun, relaxation, and some ghost hunting. It is an old Victorian mansion that is stunning and travelers love to spend time here. Quite a few deaths occurred here before it became a bed and breakfast. This could be why the spirits still love to linger around.There are ghosts felt and seen here quite frequently. Room 18 is a popular room to see ghosts and have strange things happen in the room. Sometimes the chandelier will swing in different ways and sometimes it is a violent swing. That is what most visitors think is the ghost telling you she doesn’t like you! Are you scared yet? There are even more famous haunts in Key West that will scare you!

4. Ernest Hemingway Home

For any of fans of Hemingway, they know just how much he loved his home in Key West. The city inspired so many of his works. His home in Key West also happens to be on our most haunted places in the city. For those who visit his home, they will get a real treat. For those who have walked through the halls of this home, there are rumors that Hemingway still lives there. In fact, his ghost has been seen at his desk and standing in the windows of the home. Others have heard the sound of him typing in his bedroom! Perhaps you could get his autograph or you could go to explore the haunted Key West Cemetery. 

3. Key West Cemetery

The Key West Cemetery is a historic place that will frighten you like never before! For those who love cemeteries, you will enjoy the calming place of rest. For those who are ready to see some spirits, get ready! There are many ghosts that are said to wander through the cemetery looking for their loved ones. One ghost will even approach visitors to make sure they are not disrupting the dead! There are several shadow figures that roam around the cemetery grounds as well. Are you terrified yet? The haunting fun is just beginning!

2. Fort East Martello House

The Fort East Martello House is one of the most terrifying places in all of Key West! Why? Have you ever heard the story of Robert the Doll? He lives in this building! Robert the Doll is a so-called haunted doll that has made many lives miserable since the beginning of his existence. To calm the natives, his owners donated him to this museum. He is actually one of the main attractions here. Robert the doll is said to have haunted the home where he lived with his owner. He would move on his own and move objects around the house. The popularity of his story has grown and that is one of the main reasons that people visit the Fort East Martello House. If you want to brave Robert the doll, come quickly so you can see him! If Robert the doll doesn’t scare you, this final location will… 

1. Eaton Street

Eaton Street is a popular place to go if you’re into hunting ghosts. It is known as the most haunted street in the city and for good reason! It was once home to a sea captain who loved his wine and whiskey. Visitors say that they can still hear and see him walking along Eaton Street. There is also a doctor that is also seen along Eaton Street. If you are walking along this haunted street, you may even see a glimpse of the ghosts of women who used roam the streets of Key West.Are you scared yet? We hope so! These are some of the scariest places in Key West and they are on our top ten list because of how terrifying they are! The next time you’re in Key West, you better take this list with you! 

Book A Southern Most Ghosts Tour And See For Yourself

The island’s warm climate won’t save you from the bone-chilling tales of its history and hauntings. Find out why Key West is the place where dreams come true, until they become nightmares…

Southernmost Ghosts presents an unflinching look at the Conch Republic’s storied past and dives into the lesser-known, shocking stories of life and death in this island paradise. From the quirky to the macabre, find out what makes Key West the Southernmost Haunted Destination.